

2015-05-06    01'18''

主播: 财新金融英语

399 31

Buyers of new-energy vehicles will receive subsidies from the Ministry of Finance as part of efforts to cut air pollution output. In September 2013, the central government started offering subsidies to buyers of new-energy vehicles. The subsidies were lowered by 5 percent last year and 10 percent this year. That program was to end this year. The subsidy program covers new-energy vehicles, such as electric cars, plug-in hybrids and autos powered by fuel cells. Under the plan that comes into effect next year, the central government will give buyers of electric passenger cars from 25,000 yuan to 55,000 yuan. The subsidy for purchases of hybrids is 30,000 yuan, and that for fuel-cell cars is 200,000 yuan. Buyers of new-energy vehicles have been exempt from paying a purchase tax since September. Buyers also have an easier time getting license plates in cities that restrict the number issued. These benefits have promoted the production and sales of new-energy vehicles, said Dong Yang, secretary general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Data from Dong&`&s association showed that over 75,000 new-energy cars were sold last year – about 3.2 times more than in 2013. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 4月29日,财政部与科技部、工信部、发改委联合公布通知,中央财政对新能源汽车的补贴标准在5年内按每两年下调20%的幅度逐步下调。 其中,2017-2018年补助标准在2016年的基础上下降20%,2019-2020年补助标准则在明年的基础上下降40%。 汽车分析师钟师表示,补贴“退坡”是既定路线,已有进程表,2014年国家补贴较2013年降低5%,2015年又在2013年的基础上下降10%。初衷是迫使企业不再依赖财政输血而存活,早日实现“断奶”,而未来五年退坡幅度加大可能与眼下的经济和财政形势有关。 但也有一位业内专家指出,此轮退坡按每两年20%的幅度下降,高于部分业内人士此前预期。 业内普遍认为,近期新能源汽车销量有相当一部分由补贴推动。中汽协秘书长董杨近日称,中国新能源汽车销量好的主要原因是政府的政策推动,消费者不是由于喜爱而购买。 补贴之下,新能源汽车销量成倍增长。据中汽协数据,2014年中国新能源汽车销量达74763辆,比上年增长3.2倍。