200330 Dua Lipa

200330 Dua Lipa

2020-03-30    00'55''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

147 1

1. I kinda want to create an album that I felt I wasn’t really hearing that kind of music on the radio. I want to go back and touch on my childhood influences, things that inspired me since I was a kid. 2. Basically I feel like everything is coming back so it’s my way of taking those inspirations and modernizing them and creating something that feels current and new, and something that is relatable to my fans today, but something in the hopes that it could also be like something that’s timeless, something that can be listened to like for years. 3. I always write down lyrics like a diary form, almost, like notes and things happening in my life, things that I want to write about. Like I write a little poem and something, then I’ll take them into the studio and then put the words to melody. 我想要创作出一张专辑,那种我从未在广播中听到过的音乐。我想要回到过去,触及童年时期对我产生影响的事物,那些从我还是一个孩子的时候就启发过我的事物。 基本上,我感觉一切都回归了,所以这就是我的方式——汲取这些灵感,将它们现代化,创作出当下的新鲜的,能与我的粉丝相关联的音乐,希望它们能够成为不朽的,人们能够经年聆听的音乐。 我总是写歌词,几乎像写日记那样,比如一些笔记和生活中发生的事,一些我想写的东西。比如我会写一首短诗等等,然后我会把我写下的这些带到录音棚,然后给它们配上旋律。
上一期: 200329 Suspension Letter
下一期: 200401 Loquat