200401 Loquat

200401 Loquat

2020-04-01    01'09''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

135 0

I've got a loquat. You can very rarely see them around like in Chinatown. Sometimes they'll pop up at like the Asian supermarkets but I haven't actually had one in, gosh, like years.   It looks kind of like a baby mango, which I did a review on last year, or maybe a little bit like a long apricot or like an orange plum. They are kind of interesting because if you eat like a lot of loquats, there is a mild sedative effect.   There's some discrepancy of whether or not you should peel it or not peel it. But for me, like they're actually kind of hard to peel. See here, you can't really peel it so easily. You can do like a little bit but like crumbles apart.   I'm going to try a piece of the peel. It doesn’t taste like anything. I don't see a reason to peel off the peel. I mean that's pretty easy to get through. I don't understand why people do. Maybe it's poisonous or something. I don’t think it is. 我这里有一个枇杷。在唐人街你都很少能看见枇杷。有时候它们会出现在亚洲超市里,但是我的天哪,我已经好几年没吃过了。 它看起来有点像一个小芒果,我去年做了一个相关测评,或者有点像一个长长的杏子,或者一个橙子李。它们挺有趣的,因为如果你吃很多枇杷的话,它们有轻微的镇静剂的作用。 到底该不该剥皮,大家意见不太一致。但对我来说,它们的皮好像真的很难剥。看看这里,真的不可能这么容易就剥掉。你可以剥一点点,但是就会碎掉。 我尝尝果皮好了。它尝起来没什么味啊。我不知道为什么要剥皮。我觉得很容易消化呀。我不明白人们为什么要剥皮。可能皮是有毒的吧。我反正觉得不是。