200826 Pajamas

200826 Pajamas

2020-08-31    01'25''

主播: Frank C.👋🌀

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1. Sleep, it's a fundamental building block for wellness, but despite this, the world simply isn't getting enough of it. With the third of all adults and a majority of children being sleep deprived, it’s a serious problem for the well-being of the world and one that we at Westin hotels are passionate to help solve, because wellness and sleeping well is central to everything we do for our guests. 2. It's woven into our DNA but what about those beyond our hotel walls? How could we give them the gift of better sleep as well? The answer pajamas. Yes pajamas. 3. You see every year in our hotels, we turn over large quantities of our heavenly bedding due to wear and tear. So we wondered what if we repurpose that discarded material and empower sleep in a whole new way. 4. So with the help of “Clean the World”, we've initiated an unprecedented sustainability program to collect, process and reweave that bed linen, transforming it into thousands of pairs of pajamas and then distributing them to children in low-income households. 5. Imagine that, improving the well-being of the world, one pair of pajamas at a time. 睡眠,是健康的基石。但尽管如此,世界(上的人)就是得不到充足睡眠。三分之一的成年人和大多数儿童都遭受了睡眠不足,这对于全世界人们的幸福来说是一个严重的问题,也是我们威斯汀酒店满怀热忱去帮助解决的问题,因为健康和好的睡眠是我们为顾客所做的一切的核心。 这刻在了我们的骨子里。但是我们酒店之外的那些人该怎么办?我们该如何也送给他们更好的睡眠这份礼物呢?答案就是睡衣。对,睡衣。 你可以看到,因为损耗,我们酒店每年都会更换大量的优质床品。于是我们想到如果我们重新利用这些被丢弃的材料,以全新的方式赋予睡眠自由会怎样? 于是,在 Clean the World 的帮助下,我们开启了一个前所未有的可持续项目,来收集,处理,重新编织那些床上用品,把它们变成成千上万套睡衣,然后发放给低收入家庭的孩子们。 想象一下,一套睡衣一下子就能提升世界的幸福感。