【听写材料】The Harbor

【听写材料】The Harbor

2015-11-17    02'02''

主播: 布莱恩教育

7251 798

【The Harbor】文稿 Hello, my name is Daniel, and this is e-report. A city by water usually has a harbor. A harbor is a safe place for ships and boats. The water is quiet in a harbor. There are many things happening in a harbor. Let’s take a look at what is in this harbor. People like to walk around the side of the harbor. They can watch the ships and boats. When the weather is good, there are many sail boats and ships in a harbor. Some ships carry cargo, other ships carry passengers. This big ship is called cruise ship. Some boats give tours to people. Going around the harbor on the boat is fun. There is always something new to see. There are also many birds near a harbor. One kind of bird is sea gull. There are many sea gulls here. They are noisy. Some people like to feed them. Near the harbor are many shops and restaurants. People sell things on the streets, too. It’s fun to walk near the harbor. There are so many things to see and do. The ocean air, smell it, is very salty, and what else is salty? The sea food of course. There is nothing better than eating sea food at a harbor. I am not the only one eating sea food. This is Daniel for e-report at the harbor.