9.8.EMF 温故而知新特辑

9.8.EMF 温故而知新特辑

2018-09-08    00'42''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

174 0

温故而知新特辑 “I just don’t feel like it,” a child whines - and sometimes, neither do we. We know what we’re supposed to do, but we’re afraid to do it or too bored to do it or we think it’s going to be too much work. We assume that good people do the right thing because it’s natural to them. “我就是不要,”一个小孩哼哼唧唧地抱怨——有些时候,我们也这样。我们其实都知道自己应该做什么,但是我们害怕去做,太无聊不想去做,或者觉得已有太多任务而逃避。我们总是想当然地认为优秀的人做正确的事情是因为他们已经习惯成自然了。 That may be true for some, but many of us have to decide to straighten our shoulders, lift our heads up, and do what we know is right even when we might prefer to whine a little, too. I know what I need to do, even if part of me would rather avoid it. I will do what’s right. 也许有些人的确如此,但是更多的人不得不做出选择,挺直肩膀、昂起头颅,然后去做自己认为是对的事情,尽管有时候我们也喜欢发一通小小的牢骚。我清楚我自己需要做什么,即使一部分自我会选择逃避。我依然坚持做对的事情。