10.25.EMF 手模的秘密生活 B 扩展

10.25.EMF 手模的秘密生活 B 扩展

2018-10-25    00'53''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

185 0

1. I am the police of people. My job is to keep our society safe-and-sound every day all day. Terrorism is, like, the No. 1 detriment. I'll use a lethal weapon. It's doubt-free. This is our police-must-have capability. 2. It's hard to keep your temper feeling that good all the time. The perfect mature people's mind is fear-free.care-free, desire-free, they almost look like they're Buddhists. 3 So, EMF2019 created a two-tier approach. Lesson A, there's key words in it and accent that's like a learners' barrier. A little bit of culture into our language learning. And then Lesson B. language consolidation. And this simulates many scenarios of communication. 我是一名人民警察。我的工作是全天候 确保社会安全。恐怖主义是头号大敌。 我会使用武器,亳不犹豫。这就是我们 警察必须具备的素质。 保持自己的情绪一直稳定是很困难的 真正成熟的人的情绪是无所畏惧、无所 牵挂、无欲无求的;感觉就像是佛教徒一样。 所以,英语麦克风2019打造了双重学习方式。A课,那里有核心词汇,而语音语调是所有英语学习者的障碍。另外再加一点点文化到语言学习中。B课,语言巩固,可以模拟许多沟通的场景。