Week23:Check-out at the hotel

Week23:Check-out at the hotel

2018-05-10    01'49''

主播: 🍀Amy🎀

32 1

第二十三章 Check-out at the Hotel 在酒店办理退房手续 Clerk:  Good afternoon, miss. Are you checking out now? 女士,下午好!您现在退房吗? Rose:  Sorry. We're a few minutes late. 对不起,我知道我们迟了几分钟。 Clerk:  That’s all right. It's always busy at checking out time. 没关系。退房的时候总是挺忙的。 Rose: Oh, really? The last hotel charged us for a late checking out.  哦,是吗?上一家宾馆因为我们退房迟了就收费了。 Clerk: The room hasn’t been booked this week. 这周房间没有预订出去,所以没关系。 So never mind. How is everything? 您在这里的一切还好吗? Rose:  The room is big. The beds are really comfortable.  房间很大,床真的很舒服。  And we are surprised to have a free fridge.  我们也没想到会有免费的冰箱。  Clerk:  I'm glad that you like it.对您的满意我非常高兴。 Rose: The kids were disappointed that the pool wasn't open this morning.  但是,今天游泳池没有开,孩子们有点失望。 Clerk: I’m sorry for that. We couldn't get any cleaner before 10 a.m.  我对此表示道歉,我们上午10点前没有清洁工打扫。 Rose: Well, we had a nice swim last night.  嗯~~我们昨晚游泳还是很不错的。 Clerk: OK. Will you use your credit card? 好的,您用信用卡结账吗? Rose: Nope. I'll pay cash.不,我用现金结。 Clerk:  OK. So the total is $115, including tax.  好的,一共是115美元,包括税金。  Rose:  I think it should be $110. 我想应该是110美元。 That's what they said yesterday when we checked in. 这是昨天我们开房间的时候服务员告诉我们的。 Clerk:  Yes, but there is an extra room charge on your bill.  是的,但是在账单上还有一笔额外的房间费用。 Rose:  Oh, yes, I forgot. My husband ordered a coffee. Sorry. 哦,是的,我忘了。我先生点了一杯咖啡。不好意思。 Clerk:  It doesn’t matter. So it’s $115 . Here's your change. 没关系。收您115美元,这是找您的钱。 Now, I need to ask you for your room cards. 现在,请您把房间钥匙给我。 Rose:  OK. Here you are.好的,给你。