集思晨读 中国文化特辑 喜鹊

集思晨读 中国文化特辑 喜鹊

2015-06-02    01'57''

主播: 宽心石

45 2

【集思晨读 Lewis 中国文化特辑 Magpie 喜鹊 】 Good morning, everyone! It's Tues., 2nd June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周二早上好,今天是六月二号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 中国文化特辑100期的晨读已经和大家走过了71期。今天和大家分享的 分享的是 喜鹊 Magpie 1. The Magpie, Xique, is a lucky bird in China. 2. Chinese traditions say that the chirp of Xique can bring good luck to people. 3. They fly onto the branches of plum blossoms, and then to the houses of the ordinary people with good news and auspicious omens. 4. A Chinese legend says that Xique gather in heaven once a year to make a bridge for a separated couple. 5. When they gather and form a bridge across the galaxy, the separated couple can meet each other on the bridge. 6. Xique are kind-hearted messengers. 7. People love Xique for their affability. 8. There is a saying that “Good deeds come with a warble of Xique”. 备注: 1. Auspicious : showing that something is likely to be successful 吉利的; 吉祥的; 有前途的 再举例: I'm pleased that you've made such an auspicious start to the new term. 你新学期开门红使我很高兴. 反义词:加否定前缀 “in”- inauspicious 2. Affable:friendly and easy to talk to = pleasant 再举例: He found her parents very affable. 他觉得她父母很好说话. 3. Chirp n./v. 拟声词 (小鸟或蟋蟀发出的)短而尖的叫声; 啁啾声; 唧唧声 补充(飞禽的拟声词) Crow 公鸡 Chatter 雀 Quack 鸭子 Warble 夜莺 Twitter 燕 4. Plum blossoms 梅花 补充(常见花名) Pomegranate 石榴 Lily 百合 Peach 桃花 Peony 牡丹 Rose 玫瑰 Tulip 郁金香 Jasmine 茉莉花 Carnation 康乃馨 Lotus 荷花 Sunflower 向日葵