

2018-08-14    03'29''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

6307 24

【句子】Stop drilling, you’ve struck oil. 【Modern Family-S1E8】 【发音】[stɒp] ['drɪlɪŋ] [ju:v] [strʌk] [ɔɪl] 【发音技巧】drill后面加ing读法;you’ve 缩写直接在you之后轻轻加上摩擦音[v];oil末尾舌边音[l]; 【翻译】别钻了!你已经钻到油矿了!(你说的就是我想要的答案) 【适用场合】strike oil 字面意思:发现油矿,钻探到油脉;引申义:飞黄腾达,赚大钱了,行大运了,大获成功。 eg: What will you do if you suddenly strike oil? 如果你突然发迹了,你会干什么? raise the roof 字面意思:把屋顶掀了; 引申义:跳舞狂欢to play/sing very loudly and enthusiastically;或者:大发雷霆; eg: The whole college is ready to raise the roof at next weekend's homecoming celebrations. 全校学生都打算在下周末的返校派对上狂欢一把。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章末尾】 He didn't care if his boss raised the roof or even threatened to fire him, he knew he was right.