Young Sheldon S01E01[03][9分53秒-15分30秒]-张家瑞20190628

Young Sheldon S01E01[03][9分53秒-15分30秒]-张家瑞20190628

2019-06-29    04'55''

主播: 沉思中……

151 2

Oh, dear. 天啊 That boy has an exposed tattoo. 那男生有个露出的刺青 He does. 是啊 I wonder if he knows that's in violation of the dress code. 不知道他知不知道 那样违反着装规范 Speaking of which, how about we lose the bowtie? 说到这个 咱们别戴领结了好吗 Why? 为什么 Look around, honey. None of the other kids are wearing one. 亲爱的 你看大家 没人戴领结啊 Well, perhaps I'll start a fad. 或许我可以引领潮流啊 No, you won't. Please trust Mommy. 你不会的 相信妈妈 All right, tell you what. 好吧 这样吧 You take it off, and this weekend, I'll take you to RadioShack. 你如果摘下来 这周末 我带你去无线电屋 [美国老牌电器行 主要卖电器与各种线] You doing okay? 你还好吗 I guess. 大概吧 I smell ammonia. 我闻到了氨水味 They must've done a thorough cleaning recently. 他们肯定刚刚仔细清理过校园 I like that. 我喜欢 And remember, if anybody bothers you, what do you say? 还记得如果有人骚扰你 你该怎么说吗 My dad's a football coach. 我爸是橄榄球教练 - And? - My brother's a football player. 还有呢 -我哥是橄榄球员 Good. 很好 Hey, Mom, look. That girl's pregnant. 妈 你看 那女生怀孕了 Congratulations. 恭喜 Well, that was revolting. 里面真是让人想吐 All right. This is your homeroom. Do you want me to go in with you? 好的 这是你的班级教室 需要我陪你进去吗 No. Although I could've used you in the restroom. 不用 虽然(刚才)我能用到你 在厕所里 [虽然刚才在厕所时,我挺希望你在] Okay, well... 好的 那... You have a good day. 祝你今天一切顺利 And I'll pick you up after school, 我放学后会来接你 same door we came in. 就在我们进来的那个出口等你 Are you crying or having an allergy attack? 你是哭了还是过敏犯了 Allergies. 过敏 It's probably the ammonia. 估计是那些氨水 Probably. 应该是 Okay. Let the learning begin. 好 开始学习吧 All right, everybody, 大家好 my name is Ms. MacElroy. 请叫我MacElroy夫人 In addition to being your homeroom teacher, I'll be seeing some of you in my English class, 除了 将是你们的班主任 我也会是部分同学的英语课老师 and some of you on the volleyball court. 也会跟部分的同学在排球场上见 Just to give you a little history, 跟大家简单介绍一下 I've been here at Medford for 29 years... 我在马德福教了29年 ...I taught some of your older brothers and sisters, and sadly, some of your parents. 我教过你们一些人的哥哥姐姐 和 很不幸地 还有一些同学的爸爸妈妈 Not much I haven't seen. Until today. 也算见过各种大小场面了 但今天又长了见识 I'm sure you're well aware we have a student with us, 我相信大家都清楚我们有个同学 who, despite his young age, is remarkably gifted. 虽然年纪还小 但天赋异禀 And I expect y'all to make him feel welcome. 我希望大家能相处融洽 Yes, Sheldon? Sheldon 请说 Per the student dress and grooming code, 根据学生着装与仪容规范 this boy's hair is too long, 那个男生的头发过长 this boy is wearing sports attire outside of a designated area 这个男生在规定范围外 穿着运动服饰 and this girl's blouse is diaphanous, 这个女生的上衣太透 which means I can see her brassiere. 这表示我能看到底下的胸罩 Thank you. 谢谢 I will take that into account. 我会再参考你的意见 All right. 好 We have a few minutes before first period. 在第一堂课开始前还有几分钟 I need y'all to fill out these forms. 我需要大家都填好这些表格 What? 怎么了 Also in violation of the grooming code on page 48, article five, subsection B, 您违反了仪容规章第48页 第5章B小段 you have a bit of a mustache. 您有一点小胡须 This is a stupid idea. 这就是个烂主意 This boy does not belong in our school. 这孩子就不该来上我们学校 Come on Vicky, it's just the first day. 别这样维琪 第一天上课而已 Why don't we all just take a deep breath here? 我们大家先全都深呼吸一下 The hell with that. Five minutes into my math class, 深个毛呼吸 我的数学课才上5分钟 he questioned my credentials. 他就开始质疑我的文凭 How am I supposed to control a classroom when a kid accuses me of being in breach of the hygiene code? 一个孩子质疑我违反了卫生条例的情况下 我还怎么管住一个班 Well, Hubert, it wouldn't kill you to shower a little more often. Hubert 你多洗洗澡也不会死啊 George, you want to weigh in here? George 你想说两句吗 Oral Roberts University is a wonderful school. 奥洛尔罗伯茨大学是一所好大学 He said I was intimidated by his intelligence, and then, he offered to be my leader. 他说我对他的聪明才智感到威胁 然后呢 他提议来当我的领导 Do you know this sonata? No. 你认识这个奏鸣曲吗 不认识 How long have you played the piano? I don't play piano. 你学琴多久了 我不会弹钢琴 George, you got any thoughts here? George 你有什么看法 I certainly do. Mary, tell him. 当然 Mary 跟他说 It's simple. We don't have a choice. 很简单 我们别无选择了 Well, you gave it a shot. 你们也努力过了 We wish you luck with Sheldon elsewhere... 祝你们的Sheldon在别的学校... No, no, no. 不不不 We don't have a choice. He's got to stay here. 我们的别无选择 是他只能在这里读书了 We can't afford private school. 我们负担不起私立学校 I sure can't homeschool him. 我也没办法在家教他 He's doing calculus and Euclidean something... 他已经在做微积分跟欧几里得什么的了 Euclidean geometry. 欧几里得几何学 Guess where I learned that. 猜猜我在哪学到的这个 Yeah, yeah, we know. 是是是 我们知道 All I care about is that my son gets the education he deserves, 我唯一在乎的就是 我儿子得到了他应得的教育 so you all are gonna have to figure this out. 所以你们这些老师得想办法 Coach, can you help me out here, please? 'Cause I'm dyin'. 教练 你能帮我说两句吗 我要被逼死了 I'd rather not. 我没什么好说的 G minor. G小调 F. F调 E flat. 降E调 C minor. C小调 You have perfect pitch. Okay. 你有绝对音感 好吧 Sweetheart, you should really pursue music. 亲爱的 你真的应该学习音乐 No, thank you. Musicians take drugs. 不了 谢谢 音乐家都吸毒 Is there a faculty restroom I could use? 有教师洗手间能让我借用一下吗