

2023-06-20    05'18''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

284 1

【句子】Look at this fabric. It's already pilling. 【ModernFamilyS3E13】 【发音】/lʊk/ /æt/ /ðɪs/ /ˈfæb.rɪk/ /ɪts/ /ɔːlˈred.i/ /ɑːlˈred.i/ /pɪlɪŋ/ 【发音技巧】Look at连读;at this不完全爆破;It's already连读; 【翻译】看这料子,都起球了。 【适用场合】 你知道英文中“起球”怎么说吗? 一起来学习一下。 pill在英文中作名词,是“药丸”的意思; 它其实还可以作动词来使用,表示“起球”的意思; If a piece of clothing or material pills, it develops small balls of threads on its surface. eg: This sweater just pills. 这件毛衣起毛球。 eg: You can keep the surface from pilling. 你可以防止这个表面起毛球。 eg: Pilling can seriously compromise a textile's acceptability for consumers. 起毛球会严重影响消费者对于纺织品的接受程度。 eg: Brushed wool sweaters often pill. 拉绒羊毛衫经常起球。 eg: keep in mind the buttery-feel fabrics tend to pill more easily. 请记住,有黄油一般质感的面料往往更容易起球。 然后其实pill在英文中当名词,还可以表达“毛球”这样的意思; 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 She sat there sulking and picking the pills off her sweater.