Real life Game of Thrones 现实版的权利游戏—维京盗匪

Real life Game of Thrones 现实版的权利游戏—维京盗匪

2017-08-11    07'18''

主播: 为语筹谋

69 4

如您想获得本篇文章的英文文稿、翻译及讲解资料,请添加我的微信公众号“为语筹谋”,输入关键字“维京人”。在那里,我还会将定期推送些免费的写作指导及口语表达等课程。 英文原稿 For over 300 years, the Vikings ventured so fearlessly and so far from their homeland. Viking raiders struck with shocking brutality. They sailed seas and rivers, attacking at leisure and filling their ships with plunder. They spread terror far and wide, and extorted western Europe. They expanded raids into warfare, as they conquered kingdoms, leaving bodies to rot in the fields. Behind the mayhem began around A.D. 750 was a turmoil that made the medieval farmers become the scourge of Europe. Meteorites strike and volcanic eruption combined blasted a vast cloud of dust into the atmosphere. It darkened the sun, lowering summer temperatures for 14 years. The extended cold and darkness brought death and ruin to Scandinavia. Villages were abandoned; residents succumbed to starvation and fighting. Scandinavian society assumed a new, more truculent and weaponized form. In this real-life Game of Thrones, men and women alike celebrated the virtues of warfare—fearlessness, aggression, cunning, strength under fire. —— end ——