

2017-09-27    05'28''

主播: Nick Yan

169 5

Two of the world’s biggest luxury goods companies will stop working with fashion models that are too thin. 两家世界顶级奢侈品公司将停止与过瘦的时尚模特合作。 The agreement, signed this week by the French companies LVMH and Kering, seeks to protect the health of fashion models. The agreement will affect well-known brands including Dior, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and others. 法国公司法国酩悦.轩尼诗-路易.威登集团和开云集团本周签署协议,旨在保护时尚模特的健康。该协议会影响迪奥、古驰、路易.威登、马克.雅可布以及其他知名品牌。 The companies’ agreement meets – and goes beyond – the requirements of a new French law. 这两家公司签署的协议满足以及超过法国新法律的要求。 That law, which will start on October 1, requires male and female models to show health certificates received within the past two years. 新法将于十月一日生效,要求男女模特具备两年内的健康证。 LVMH and Kering said their new agreement would shorten that requirement to six months. 路易.威登集团和开云集团表示他们的新协议将健康证有效期缩短为六个月。 LVMH and Kering also agreed to ban the use of female models who are below a French woman’s size 34. That is similar to a U.S. size 0-2 and a U.K. size 6. 路易.威登集团和开云集团还同意禁用身材小于法国服装尺码34号的女模特。法国尺码34号相当于美国服装尺码0-2和英国尺码6号。 The two groups said they hoped to set a new standard for the fashion industry. 两个集团表示他们希望建立时尚产业的新标准。 We hope to inspire the entire industry to follow suit, thus making a real difference in the working conditions of fashion models industry-wide “我们希望引导整个产业都能遵循该标准,真正改变行业内时尚模特的工作条件,” Unlike the French law, the agreement will apply to the international Kering and LVMH brands. 与法国法律不同,该协议内容将适用于全球所有开云集团和路易.威登集团的品牌。