

2015-09-06    03'18''

主播: 冲浪的少年

17270 890

This Labor Day, Let's Talk About the Budget (September 5, 2015) 在劳动节,让我们谈谈财政预算(2015年9月5日) Hello, everybody. I hope most of you are gearing up for a long weekend with family and friends - maybe some barbeques, road trips, or fantasy drafts. But I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about the real meaning of Labor Day - a day we set aside every year to honor the hardworking men and women who fought for so many of the rights that we take for granted today. 大家好.我想你们大部分人正在和家人及朋友们为周末小长假做准备--可能是烧烤,自驾游或者是还在酝酿中的事情.但我想花点儿时间和你谈谈劳动节的真正意义--每年我们抽出一天时间向辛勤工作的人们致敬.他们曾为了很多我们今天认为是想当然的权利而奋斗着. The eight-hour workday, 40-hour workweek, weekends. Overtime and the minimum wage. Safer workplaces. Health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, and retirement plans. All of those gains were fought for and won by the labor movement - folks who were working not just for a bigger paycheck for themselves, but for more security and prosperity for the folks working next to them as well. That's how we built the great American middle class. 八小时工作制,每周40小时工作制,周末.加班和最低工资标准.更安全的工作场所.健康保险,社会保障,医疗保险,退休计划.所有这些都是奋斗而来的,都是劳工运动赢得的--人们不仅仅是为了自己更多的支票收入,而且也是为了和他们一起的人们,享有更多的安全和繁荣.正是这样,我们打造了伟大的美国中产阶层. That's the spirit we've been working to restore these past six and a half years. On Friday, we found out that the economy created another 173,000 jobs in August. Over the past five and a half years, our businesses have created 13.1 million new jobs in total - the longest streak of job creation on record. The unemployment rate dropped to 5.1%, the lowest it's been in seven years. The American auto industry is on track to sell more cars and trucks this year than it has in more than a decade. Sixteen million Americans have gained the security of health insurance. Seventeen states and about 30 cities and counties have raised the minimum wage. And we've proposed extending overtime protections to as many as five million Americans. All of that is progress. 这正是我们在过去六年半里一起努力进行重建的精神.在周五,我们了解到,在八月,经济又创造了173,000个就业岗位.在过去的五年半时间里,我们的经济总计已经创造了1310万新的就业岗位--有记录以来持续最长时间不间断的就业增长.失业率降低到了5.1%,这是七年以来的最低水平.美国汽车业今年销售汽车和卡车的数量,是十多年以来最多的.1600万国人获得了健康保险带来的安全感.17个州,大约30个城市和县已经提高了最低工资标准.我们已经提议,对多达500万的国人扩大加班保护.所有这些都是进步. This month, Congress has an opportunity to continue that progress. As always, the deadline for Congress to pass a budget is the end of September. Every year. This is not new. And if they don't, they'll shut down the government for the second time in two years. At a time when the global economy faces headwinds and America's economy is a relative bright spot in the world, a shutdown of our government would be wildly irresponsible. It would be an unforced error that saps the momentum we've worked so hard to build. Plain and simple, a shutdown would hurt working Americans. 这个月,国会有机会继续推进这一进展.和往常一样,国会通过财政预算的最后期限,是九月底.每一年都是这样.这不是新的规定.如果他们不这样做,他们将在两年里第二次让政府停摆.当全球经济面临阻力的时候,美国经济在世界上相对来说是一个亮点,让我们的政府停摆是非常不负责任的.削弱我们已经如此努力打造的发展势头,不是被迫的错误.就这么简单,停摆将伤害辛勤工作的人们. It doesn't have to happen. If Congress wants to support working Americans and strengthen our middle class, they can pass a budget that invests in, not makes cuts to, the middle class. If they pass a budget with shortsighted sequester cuts that harm our military and our economy, I'll veto it. If they make smart investments in our military readiness, our infrastructure, our schools, public health, and research, I'll sign that budget - and they know that. 这不是必然发生的.如果国会想支持工薪阶层的美国人,壮大我们的中产阶层,他们能通过一个财政预算,投资于中产阶层,而不是进行削减.如果他们通过一个预算,有着短见的自动减支条款,伤害我们的军队和我们的经济,我将否决它.如果他们做出明智的投资,投资于我们的军事储备,我们的基础设施,我们的学校,公共健康和科学研究,我将签署这样的预算--他们知道的. So let's get it done. Our economy doesn't need another round of threats and brinksmanship. Nobody gets to play games with our economy - or the middle class I grew up in, and that you grew up in. So tell Congress to pass a budget that reflects the values we honor on Labor Day. Rewarding hard work. Giving everybody a fair shot. And working together to give all of our kids a better life. 所以让我们完成这些事情.我们的经济不需要又一轮的威胁和边缘政策.没有人对经济敷衍了事--或者对我从中长大的,也是你从中长大的中产阶层敷衍了事.所以告诉国会通过预算,反应我们在劳动节所致敬的价值观.奖励辛勤的工作.给予每个人公平的机会.一起努力工作给予我们的孩子更好的生活. Thanks everybody. And enjoy your weekend. 谢谢大家.周末快乐.