银监会:所谓存款“失踪” 原来是“被骗”

银监会:所谓存款“失踪” 原来是“被骗”

2015-02-09    02'05''

主播: 财新金融英语

417 19

The banking regulator has warned the public to be wary of scams that attract depositors with the lure of high interest rates, citing two cases in which depositors at two banks lost large amounts. The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) made the warning on February 4 on its account on WeChat, a popular social media app. It also provided details of some of the tricks scammers were using on depositors. The CBRC first brought up the case of Luzhou Laojiao Co. Ltd., which filed a lawsuit in October against a branch of Agricultural Bank of China in Changsha, in the central province of Hunan, over the loss of one term deposit. The Shenzhen-listed liquor manufacturer said it made term deposits of 50 million yuan and 150 million yuan with the bank in April 2013. When the second deposit reached its maturity date in September last year, the company checked on the money, but the bank told it the deposit was gone. The CBRC said in its WeChat post that Luzhou Laojiao was the victim of fraud and then provided details of the scam. Several people passing themselves off as bank clerks contacted Luzhou Laojiao about deposit opportunities that offered high interest yields. Company employees unwisely gave away important information and seal samples necessary for making documents official, the CBRC said. The fraudsters then used the company information and a forged seal to open a new account so they could withdraw the 150 million yuan. The regulator said the blame was largely on the company because its employees failed to make sure the bank clerks were genuine. Luzhou Laojiao's lawsuit is still pending. The regulator urged the public to be wary of promises of high rates of return. "Greed is the foundation for swindlers to succeed," it said. "If you can resist the temptation, you won't fall into the trap.” The regulator did not mention the discovery of a fake bank in the eastern city of Nanjing. About 200 depositors entrusted about 200 million yuan with what they thought was a legitimate bank since April 2013, again on the promise of high returns. For Caixin Online this is Patrick Williams 近来,银行巨额存款“失踪”成了网上一个热门话题。比如浙江杭州42位储户放在银行的数千万元存款“被盗”仅剩少许,泸州老窖存在银行的1.5亿元“不知去向”,义乌、南京、湖北等地都出现储户存款“失踪”事件。银行存款真的会失踪吗? 所谓的“失踪”,其实是“被骗” 银行素有“三铁”之称,铁账、铁款、铁算盘,在各行各业享有盛誉。确切地说,上述存款不是“失踪”,也不是“被盗”,而是不知不觉中“被骗”了。 在案件告破之前,有人描述成“失踪”、“丢失”,好像很神秘的样子。其实诈骗存款的案件早已有之,既不新鲜,也不稀罕。随着ATM机、POS机、网银、手机等支付方式越来越普及,通过银行渠道或冒充银行诈骗成了一些骗子们的首选。 诈骗的形式,无非有三种 第一种是社会人员诈骗。比如泸州老窑公司“丢失”1.5亿元银行存款一案。有数名诈骗分子合谋伪造银行印章,编造假存款合作协议,冒充银行工作人员到公司上门开户,获取公司有关开户所需资料和印模,然后私刻假印章,伪造开户资料,到银行办理开户手续,并使用假印鉴将存款全部转出银行。 在这类案例中,主要是客户未能辨别真伪,泄漏关键信息,导致资金被骗,银行似乎没有明显过错。当然,银行也有责任、有义务完善相关制度和流程,银行工作人员有必要严格核对、明察秋毫,减少犯罪分子的可乘之机。 第二种是银行员工与社会人员内外勾结诈骗。其常见的骗人诱饵是“存款利息高”。都知道银行定期存款年利率在2%-5%之间,活期利率不到0.4%,偏偏有人说存到某家银行的活期存款可以给10%-20%或者更高……馅饼真的会掉咱头上?想想都要醉晕了。 比如杭州那42位储户,中介骗子承诺给他们年利率13%,然后被领到银行对面的一个房间里,签定一份承诺书,内容包括“不开通短信提醒”“不开通网银权限”“不通存通兑”“不查询”“不提前支取”,更可笑的一条是“不对在银行工作的亲人朋友提起”……这个时候,怎么着也能想到这不是正常的储蓄存款吧?银行能愿意为这笔存款负全责吗? 发生内外勾结的诈骗案,有关银行必须对储户的资金损失承担相应的责任。而银行为了自己的信誉一般会对存款本金和正常利息先行垫付;司法部门也会根据各方所负的责任作出最终裁决。但无论如何,存款的高息是不受保护的,而且损失部分本金也是有可能的。 第三种是银行员工骗取客户存款。曾出现过银行员工诱骗储户多次输入密码,在储户不知情的情况下,暗中将存款转出(看见了吧?银行内部是不可能查到客户密码的,只能靠你自己输入)。发生这种诈骗,你不用担心,银行会全部负责。
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