

2019-08-30    06'24''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4120 25

两星 【句子】-- And before that, you thought you had a cold that turned out not to be a cold. -- Because I babied it. 【Modern Family-S2E3】 【发音】[ænd] [bɪˈfɔ:(r)] [ðæt] [ju:] [θɔ:t] [ju:] [hæd] [ə] [kəʊld] [ðæt] [tɜ:(r)nd] [aʊt] [nɒt]/[nɑ:t] [tʊ] [bi:] [ə] [kəʊld] [bɪ'kɒz]/[bɪ'kɑ:z] [aɪ] ['beɪbid] [ɪt] 【发音技巧】and before完全失去爆破;had a连读;turned out连读;out not不完全失去爆破;not to完全失去爆破; 【翻译】--上上上个礼拜,你觉得你感冒了,结果压根不是感冒。 -- 那是因为我休养好了。 【适用场合】 今天的节目不难,但是这个baby的动词用法应该很多朋友之前很少见到。 之前大家都知道baby可以翻译成 婴儿;宝宝; 偶尔用于恋人之间的昵称 eg: My baby left me for another guy. 我对象把我甩了,另找了一个男的。 偶尔作名词也会带有一些贬义色彩 eg: Don’t be such a baby! 别这么幼稚行吗! eg: She complained like a baby about her boyfriend. 抱怨起她男朋友来,她可真是一副长不大的样子。 那baby当做动词怎么用呢? to treat an older person like a young child 像对待宝宝一样对待一个人 eg: Some parents baby their children too much. 有些家长觉得自己孩子永远长不大。 eg: I like to be babied when I am sick. 当我生病的时候,我也希望有人能精心照顾我。 今天视频场合中,Jay说: ” Because I babied it. 大家可以理解成Because I treated it with much care. 今天给大家一个任务,猜猜这个短语什么意思: throw the baby out with the bathwater 跟洗澡水一起,把宝宝给倒出去 to lose valuable ideas or things in your attempt to get rid of what is not wanted不想要某样东西,结果处理的时候把一些珍贵的东西也丢了 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I know you don't like the dress, but I think if you make a few changes to it, it will look lovely. It's such beautiful material. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.