

2020-05-26    04'50''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2896 21

【句子】Listen, on this very, very happy occasion, I’d like to pick up the tab on the bar. 【Modern Family-S2E4】 【发音】['lɪsn] [ɒn]/[ɑ:n] [ðɪs] ['veri] ['veri] ['hæpi] [ə'keɪʒn] [aɪd] [laɪk] [tʊ] [pɪk] [ʌp] [ðə] [tæb] [ɒn]/[ɑ:n] [ðə] [bɑ:(r)] 【发音技巧】I’d like不完全失去爆破;pick up the连读+不完全失去爆破; 【翻译】听着,今天,在如此欢乐的时刻,我来请客。 【适用场合】 tab 什么意思? 其实很多人都会知道键盘上有一个tab键; the tab 在美式口语中,用来指在一个餐厅/酒店的饭钱+酒水钱等等。 the total money charged in a restaurant or hotel for food, drinks etc: pick up the tab 替人买单;请客; 口语中说:我请客的说法,还蛮多的,比如说: It’s my treat. This dinner is on me. 或者更简单: I’m paying tonight. 今晚我请客。 其实口语中除了pick up the tab 替人买单;请客; 也可以说pick up the check意思用法一样 If you pick up the tab, you pay a bill on behalf of a group of people or provide the money that is needed for something. eg: He kindly offered to pick up the tab. 他很客气地提议说要请客。 eg: Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr. Jay and the company will pick up the tab. 今天,任何有背疼,或者肩痛的员工都可以直接去找Jay先生,治疗费用公司报销。 eg: Paul said he's picking up the tab tonight, so I'm definitely ordering another drink! Paul说今晚他请客,所以我肯定还要再来一杯。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 想吃啥就点啥,公司请客。