

2020-05-27    06'30''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2932 19

【句子】Sometimes I just think my job is to make sure you guys don’t fall on your faces. 【Modern Family-S2E4】 【发音】[ˈsʌm.taɪmz] [aɪ] [dʒʌst] [θɪŋk] [maɪ] [dʒɒb]/[dʒɑ:b] [ɪz] [tu:] [meɪk] [ʃʊə(r)] [ju:] [gaɪz] [dəʊnt] [fɔ:l]/[fɑ:l] [ɒn]/[ɑ:n] [jɔ:(r)] [feɪsɪz] 【发音技巧】just think不完全失去爆破;make sure不完全失去爆破;don’t fall on不完全失去爆破+连读; 【翻译】只是有的时候,我觉得我的任务就是防止咱们Dunphy家的人在大庭广众下丢人。 【适用场合】 I mean, honey, I am not kidding when I tell you there was a woman next to me gasping for breath. 我跟你说,亲爱的,讲真,坐在我旁边那个女的,都笑岔气了。 gasp 本身可以指喘气这个动作 gasp for breath 大口呼吸(一般来说由于做了体力活,费力的运动等等) to labor for one's breath. (Usually because of physical exertion.) eg: She ran and ran until she was gasping for breath. 她跑啊跑啊,直到自己大喘气呼吸。 eg: The diver finally came to the surface, gasping for breath. 那个潜水员终于回到水面上来了,大口呼吸。 fall on one’s face 或者也可以说fall flat on one’s face 意思相同 1. 字面意思:摔跤,脸着地,摔了一个狗吃屎; literally, to fall and land on one's face eg: I slipped on the banana peel, fell flat on my face, and nearly broke my nose. 我踩到香蕉皮上滑到了,脸着地,差点把我鼻子给摔断了。 2. To fail thoroughly or in a spectacular or embarrassing way. 用一种特别引人注目的或者尴尬的方式失败;整个垮掉; eg: The whole play fell on its face. 这场剧,整个垮掉。 eg: I'll never forget my first comedy routine. I got out there under the bright lights and fell flat on my face—not a single person laughed. 我永远也忘不了我第一次喜剧表演登台的场景,在明晃晃的灯光下我上台表演了,但是那次,没有一个人笑,我惨败而归。 eg: I'm afraid that translation will fall flat on its face in this language, since we have no such idiom. 我担心这个语言版本的翻译,可能会很尴尬,因为咱们就没有这样的习语表达。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Unfortunately the advertising campaign just kind of fell on its face and never gained any traction with consumers.