

2020-09-21    06'22''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

546 4

【句子】I owe you big time. 【Modern Family-S2E13】 【发音】[aɪ] [əʊ] [ju:] [bɪg] taɪm] 【发音技巧】big time完全失去爆破; 【翻译】我欠你们一个大人情。 【适用场合】 今天我们要学习的big time并不是大时间、大时代的意思。 这个短语其实在我们节目创立之初,第11期节目我们就学过, 当时是在讲friends S1E1, 场景是:Monica跟Rachel说自己爱上了一个人。 Rachel问她:Are you in trouble? 姐妹,你陷入爱河了吗? Monica回复说:Big time! 绝对的! 在【英语口语每日养成】回复关键词11,可以查看之前那期视频 文本复习 > >点我 < < 再结合我们今天视频中出现的台词,很明显了。 1. big time表示一种程度,表示“非常地”这样的意思; a lot; in a significant manner eg: You owe me big time for driving you to the airport at 4 A.M. 早晨4点开车送你去机场,你可欠我一个超大人情! eg: We're going to need to catch up big time if we want a chance to win. 如果我们想赢,我们得狠狠加把劲儿了。 eg: -- How was the interview? -- Terrible, I messed up big time. -- 面试如何呀? -- 很糟糕,我彻底搞砸了。 2. big time作为名词使用,还可以用来指名利双收的一种境况,非常成功; a status or situation involving a lot of fame or success eg: After a series of small but critically admired roles, the actor has now moved into the big time. 演了一连串不重要却特别招人喜欢的人角色之后,这位男演员现在已经跻身到成功人士之列。 3. 如果把big time当中加上连字符hyphen,big-time可以用来作形容词; 表示的意思是:prominent or significant杰出的;突出的;卓越的; eg: Though she'd been acting for years, it was her role in last summer's blockbuster that turned her into a big-time star. 尽管她已经演戏多年,但是却是去年夏天那部大片中的角色让她真正成为了大咖/巨星。 还有一句话值得学习。 Lily, thank you for being such a trouper with Mr. Personality over there. Lily,谢谢你能跟这位小脾气先生玩得来。 trouper [ˈtru:.pə(r)] 这个单词本来指的是任劳任怨的人;可靠的人; anyone with a lot of experience who can be depended on and does not complain 在这里其实就是说虽然Lily的小伙伴脾气不太好,但是Lily忍耐了。 eg: Thank you for finishing that for me! You're a real trouper! 谢谢你替我把那事儿完成了,你真是超级可靠的小伙伴! eg: You're a real trouper to wait so long. 你可真靠谱啊,等了这么久! 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 They messed up big time by refusing to work overtime.