

2020-09-21    07'26''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

443 2

【句子】We need a game plan. We need to rehearse exactly what we’re gonna say, because that is the only way I’m gonna hold it together when my babies are looking at me with judgement and disgust. 【Modern Family-S2E13】 【发音】[wi:] [ni:d] [ə] [geɪm] [plæn] [wi:] [ni:d] [tʊ] [rɪˈhɜ:(r)s] [ɪgˈzæktli] [wɒt]/[wɑ:t] [wɪə(r)] [ˈgə.nə]/[ˈgɑ:.nə] [seɪ] [bɪˈkɒz]/[bɪˈkɑ:z] [ðæt] [ɪz] [ði:] ['əʊnli] [weɪ] [aɪm] [ˈgə.nə]/[ˈgɑ:.nə] [həʊld] [ɪt] [tə'geðə(r)] [wen] [maɪ] ['beɪbiz] [ɑ:(r)] [lʊkɪŋ] [æt] [mi:] [wɪð] ['dʒʌdʒmənt] [ænd] [dɪs'gʌst] 【发音技巧】need a连读;need to完全失去爆破;exactly不完全失去爆破;that is连读;the重读;hold it together连读+完全失去爆破;looking at连读; 【翻译】我们得想个计划,排练一下我们到底要说什么。因为当我的宝贝孩子们用那种批判、厌恶的表情看着我的时候,那是我唯一能让我不崩溃的方法了。 【适用场合】 game plan 字面意思是:游戏计划;在橄榄球比赛中,game plan就用来指赛前教练和球员商定的战略、计划; 在日常生活中,game plan一般指的是:a carefully considered strategy 一个周密安排的计划; eg: He is unlikely to alter his game plan. 他不太可能会改变策略。 eg: I simply stuck to my game plan. I had always wanted to be a millionaire from a very early age. 我无非是坚持我的计划而已。从我很小的时候起,我就想成为一名百万富翁了。 hold together 1. 字面意思是:把某物维系在一起; to keep the component parts of something together eg: Here's a binder clip to hold your reports together. 喏,给你个装订夹,把你的报告夹在一起。 经常引申为: 2. 让一些人还在一起; to cause a group of people to remain together 或者 让人们/机构组织维持原状 to keep (a group or organization) complete or in its original state or condition eg: My aunt was the glue that held our family together. After she died, I hardly ever saw my relatives. 我的姑姑就好像是我们家庭成员之间的粘合剂一样,她去世之后,我很少再见到我的亲戚们。 eg: We ought to do everything we can to get marriages to hold together. 我们应该竭尽全力维系婚姻。 3. 让某个人冷静下来,可以正常思考 to calm oneself down and begin to think or act appropriately eg: I know you're stressed out, but you need to hold yourself together and get this report done! 我知道你压力超大的,但是你得保持冷静,先把这报告完成。 eg: We need you to be focused, so hold yourself together! 我们需要你集中精力,所以你得先冷静下来。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 The coach hopes to hold the team together for at least one more season.