

2020-09-22    05'52''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

444 3

【句子】We set the tone here. So let’s just play it cool. 【Modern Family-S2E13】 【发音】[wi:] [set] [ðə] [təʊn] [hɪə(r)] [səʊ] [lets] [dʒʌst] [pleɪ] [ɪt] [ku:l] 【发音技巧】set the不完全失去爆破;just play完全失去爆破;it cool 完全失去爆破; 【翻译】这件事的基调是咱们俩定的,冷静对待就可以了。 【适用场合】 tone这个单词学语言的都挺敏感的,指的就是音调,语调的意思; 汉语有四声,这个其实就可以说four tones。 set the tone (for sth.) 其实一般就是字面意思的理解: 在某事上奠定基调;设定基调; establish a particular mood or character for something eg: The governor's speech set the tone for the whole conference. 州长的演讲奠定了整个会议的基调。 eg: The good financial news set an optimistic tone for the year. 那个金融的利好消息为全年都奠定了一个乐观的基调。 eg: His very clever and very funny speech set the tone for the rest of the evening. 他幽默机智的发言为整晚奠定了基调。 play it cool 淡定;毫不慌张; to behave calmly and not show that you are worried about something eg: She played it cool during the storm, calmly directing people to safety and finding extra food and water for everyone. 她在这场风暴中镇定自若,冷静地疏散大家去了安全的地点,并为每个人都找到了额外的食物和水。 eg: When they asked how much she earned, she played it cool. 当他们问她赚了多少钱的时候,她表现得很气定神闲。 eg: If the boss walks in, just play it cool. 如果老板走进来,你就表现得淡定点儿。 eg: If you play it cool and don’t seem too interested, he might lower the price. 如果你淡定点,表现出不太感兴趣的样子,他可能会降低价格。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Play it cool - don't let them know how much you need the money.