第12期 新学期新开始「旅行の那些事儿」

第12期 新学期新开始「旅行の那些事儿」

2015-10-27    11'24''

主播: 矿大英语主播

215 1

假期旅行の那些事儿 主播:杜舒雨 Sophie 范裕祺 Daniel 语音文稿 1 The real meaning of travel 旅行的意义 - Travel enriches our life. 旅行丰富了我们的生活。 - Travel with someone gives us much time to keep him/her company. 与友人旅行让我们能够更久地陪伴他们。 - Travel is for a better me. 为了一个更优秀的自我。 2 Trip to Taiwan - Culture shock. 文化冲击。 - Familiar differences from the mainland of China. 与大陆的相似与不同。 - Changeful weather, especially in Alishan. 多变的天气,尤其是阿里山景区。 3 Trip to UK - The weather is also quite changeable, but the English tend to get used to it, they’d like to dress in hoody other than taking an umbrella. 天气一样多变,但是英国人已经习以为常。他们更愿意穿套头衫而非带伞。 - Use washroom instead of WC when you are abroad. (亲们说WC歪果仁可反应不过来,不好好学口语,小心膀胱受不了%>_<%) - Most of the shops shut at 5 or 6 o&`&clock, only a small fraction of them open on Sunday. 大部分商店五六点就关门了,看来在国外,逛街也要挑时间的。 - The tap water is sterilized and filtered ,which is highly safe and fresh. 不带这么欺负人,英国水龙头的水打开就能喝啊。 4 Travel tips - Safety always comes first. 安全第一。 - Respect the local custom. 尊重当地文化习惯,比如在台北故宫博物馆禁止照相。 - Travel light. 轻装简行。 ♬ 配乐 a.Travelling light b.The winner is c.Try ✐ 完成时间 2015.10.27 20:55 ⚇温情支持 Grace老师 Daniel学弟 感谢你的收听:)